Sunday, January 27, 2008

Guilty as hell

When it comes to making decisions in life, there are two categories of people. One is a category that gets to know once the decision is made. This group will give "oh ok" as a statement in return. The more loquacious ones here might say "Oh thats nice. I am happy for you".But the other is an integral part of the decision making process itself.

I want to be a good manager in the near future. And I learnt a very important lesson today, the hard way that too. People from the latter category are NEVER supposed to be moved to the former one. Doing that can be quite costly. Tears will roll, phones will be slammed and no matter how inadvertantly that might have happened, your intention will be doubted. In reality this might not be the case, but they will choose to believe that you have 'changed' and try to adjust themselves to you accordingly. They will never question why you changed this way, but will mutely hope that you haven't.

Not often do we get to make very important decisions in life, and in making those if we drop certain decision makers out, some real serious introspection will be needed. You can never convince them on why you did that because they have the reality in front of them. All you can do, and you HAVE to do, is convince yourself that you are still the same and let your actions speak in the future. Want to manage things better? Never repeat this mistake.

I wont.


Shekhar said...

hmm .. now .. is that ur sis ?? [:o]

Veda said...

What r u saying here ? u promoted ? ?? vague!

Mana said...

Very true!

Managers are always cursed during appraisals!