Sunday, September 02, 2007

Quality from birth..

.. wont go even if you burn it. So goes a Kannada adage.

After the longest of the longer long times, I gave a test today. Logic Masters 2007: an online puzzle test to select the best puzzle solving brains (ya ya.. I still wrote that one. Whose father's what goes eh?) to represent India at the world championship in Bbbbraaazillll.

My aim was to improve on my last year's AIR of 44. If that means being in top 3, I will be happy, but India@WPC.. paapa only. Anyways, I set a modest 300 as my target in a grand total of 1000. After 3 and 1/2 hours and infinite piss breaks (Its a puzzle test for christ's sake! Still the same JEE types nervousness), I thought I had scored 307. I am GOD!

But the GOD in me left in a jiffy when the score sheet showed 277. Careful analysis showed that I had mis-entered the values for one question from paper to the flash movie. 30 points went down the drain just like that.

Memories came rushing in. Did they? Not exactly. It was only when I told this to mom thAT she opened the safely locked flood gates.

CET.. JEE.. CAT.. he he.. different commode, same shit. I shall never stop making silly mitakes. Birth quality you see.

Result will be out in a couple of days. Hope I better the 44.


Shekhar said...

gimme the link to the test.. lemme find out if i'm gonna give u company ! as usual ;)

Krishna said...

All the best !!!

Cane-an said...

CAT???? (eyebrows raised)
Hmm hmm!!!!

Eternal Child said...

hey.. results out yet..??

Josh said...

the site needs registration and stuff, which is closed now. i ll try to send u a copy of the paper instead
yes dood. it was qquite a serious attemmpt too. had it not been some parallax error on the OMR sheet (i moved one entire question set one row up..).. :-(
rank 78 this time. tht shilly error cost me a good 30 places.