Monday, January 08, 2007

In my next birth..

On you, when I showered my love
ver did I think about anything else
‘Cus I always felt
The lord himself was standing right by my side.

Never ever did I wonder
What the future would unravel
That a basket of flowers and fruits
Would metamorphose into a shrub of thorns

Candidly, did you really feel nothing,
Nothing at all, when you just left?
Atleast I could never ever dream
That you, of all people, would deceive me this way.

Oh no! I am not blaming you
Neither am I sad that you left me
I only spent many a night crying, and if I am sad,
Its only because my soul still is inseparable from yours.

Even after death takes over
Your thoughts will keep lingering in my mind
And I shall return with another life
Only if God promises me, that you will be mine
In my next birth..

I came across this real heart numbing poem this afternoon. It was in Marathi.

Thanks mummy, for helping me translate this.


Vetty Max said...

Strong poem maga.

But do shift to lighter stuff soon. :-)

Eternal Child said...

wow.. to translate something without losing it's original intent and flavor.. great work..!! :)

Maddy said...

where did u hit upon this?? And concur with Arati on this...

Josh said...

kesava.. will shift soon da [:)]
jere madam.. thank u
kow.. a frend of mine fwded it to me

Narayanan B said...

Very nice poem dude. As Baada says you should write more light stuff.